Sunday, July 10, 2016

Developing and supporting Dynamics NAV customers.

Hi all,

After some time, I came to join with you to share some experience in develiping and supporting on MS Dynamics NAV customers and how I cater their requirements.

I believe this post is something different from others as this is talking about the experience of my Dynamics NAV life.

Today is just a starting of this shearing my experience. I will catch you guys with some of experience I gain while i'm working on Dynamics NAV.

Thank you.

Manufacturing in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

With the manufacturing in Microsoft Dynamics NAV , you can streamline manufacturing process and adopt quickly to changing the demands to give customers what they want.

In Microsoft Dyanmics NAV, there are multifarious benefits for any mid-size manufacturing or production companies all around the world.

Some Benefits :

  •   Improve business performance from the shop floor to your bottom line. -  Automate manufacturing processes and gain visibility into all aspects of operations, from order entry to production, warehouse management, and delivery. 

  • Provide customers with information they can count on. -  Increase the accuracy of promised orders and respond to customer queries about order status by viewing delivery details from your Role Center. 

  •  Adapt quickly to changing customer demands with agile manufacturing. -  Plan rush orders, make exceptions, and handle last-minute changes to your manufacturing processes with multiple planning options, tracking, and interactive action messages. 

  • Open your business to trading partners around the clock. - Using a Web browser, vendors can manage catalogs, enter drop shipment orders, and maintain delivery dates.
Thank you.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Closing the Fiscal Year In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009

Hi all,

After a long time I got a time to write my blog again. However , I would like to start my new beginning from "Closing the Fiscal Year in Microsoft Dynamics NAV ".

First of all I will show you what's my agenda on this blog post.

1. Steps to close the year.
               Create new fiscal year.
               Close the current year.
               Close income statement.

2. What happens to late entries.
              Re-close the income statement and post to G/L.

3. Closing inventory period.

Now lets move to first step, which is

I . Steps to close year.
        1. Create new fiscal year.

I am going to use Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 classic client , demo database.

   Navigate : Financial Management --> General Ledger --> Periodic Activities --> Fiscal Year --> Accounting Period.

This is demo database and as u can see it was closed the year in 2011. Now we can close 2012.

but before that as our first step I will show you how to create new fiscal year.

You can create many years as u wish.

When you create new year just click Create Year.

and now you can provide parameter on Starting date, No.of periods, Period length.

As I mentioned before you can create many times as you can.

Now you can see , months are created on given year.

 Ok, now we just finished creating new fiscal year. Lets move to next section "close the current year".

2. Close the current year.

Closing fiscal year is not much hard than I thought. As you can see on above screen I have already closed the year 2010 on demo database.

On the same screen there is a button called "Close Year",

Where click on Close year button, it asks permission for close year with the month range.

When you click "Yes", then the given period of months will get closed.

This is all about closing fiscal year steps. Now, we will move to final steps for closing fiscal year called "close income statement".

3. Close income statement.

As you can see on menu suit there is report called "Close Income Statement" and lets go to that report.

Lets, see what we have here,

on the top of the form, there is Fiscal year ending date. its automatically picked last closing date.
Then you can select Gen. Journal Template where you can create new template for closing fiscal year entries.

Next, you can specify Gen.Journal Batch for posting entries.

Then , you can provide document no for entries.

On next parameter, its called "Retained Earnings Acc" where you can specify balance account which you want to close the surplus in the income statement.
Click the Assit. button where u directed to G/L Account form to enter the G/L Account.

In my case there is a account called "Retained Earnings".

 So I just select that account and move to next column about "Posting Description".

By default it comes like "Close Income Statement" and if needed you can change the description for posting entries.

Now let me run the report ,

Lets see the closing entries are there in my general journals.

Yes, there are closing entries in my general journal and you can check all entries and post to General Ledger.

Ok, now all the steps for closing year are discussed. Hope you are get some knowledge about this :) .

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Showing incorrect username and password while adding a user in RTC 2015.

Hi all,

An error like "username and password is incorrect " will give a picture of the username and the password is not matching. But what if it doesn't................??

Today I had an error like this while adding user into Dynamics NAV 2015. 

I was looking to get any solution from the internet and it did not work. Finally , I have found an solution from the AD (Active directory) side.

 As I mentioned before the error will not provide an clear view about the solution.

According to above mentioned error while adding new users , I have checked from the local machine
lo gin and the passwords.

Then I turn to check AD login properties and I have found logon name is not set on AD users.

Finally , It was work  !!! The error is about missing user logon names.

However, I  have found some posts that ask about this issue relating to user groups.

But I think this will only work if u get this error when adding a "new user" only.

Thank you.


Monday, January 12, 2015

How to enable configuration mode in Dynamics NAV 2015

Hi all,

This post will help to configure dynamics NAV 2015 user interface for particular user profile.

It will enable admin or super user to configure the UI.

Here is steps to enable configuration mode.

1. In Dynamics NAV 2015 Navigate the profile list.

<Company Name> /Departments/Administration/Application Setup/RoleTailored Client/Profiles

2. Select a profile that you would like to use as a template. Ex : ("ORDER PROCESSOR").

3. In the action ribbon select the copy profile and make duplicate of a Profile . Ex: ("ORDER PRO CASH").


once the profile created, go to the
     " C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\80\RoleTailored Client "
and find the RTC client exe and make a desktop shortcut for make the process easy.

5. In the desktop you can find the Dynamics NAV icon and go to properties of the icon.

Modify the target as

"     "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\80\RoleTailored Client\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe" -configure -profile:"ORDER PRO CASH"       "

6. Click apply and run the Dynamics NAV from that icon. Then Dynamics NAV will open as configuration mode.

7. Then you can make any changes in the UI and that will effected to the particular profile accordingly.

Thank you.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015


It is requirement for me to insert date and time in  the data table.

In NAV , I have found that there are two functions that provide the output of datetime.

Ex:  (1.) Datetime := CREATEDATETIME( DATE,TIME);

        (2.) Datetime := CURRENTDATETIME;

The only difference I have found is that function (1) have facility to send parameters of date and time in separate way while function (2) directly provide current date and time in once.

It is a small issue that we had that what is best function to use with. But I think its up to developer to choose best method which is suit for the situation.

Thank you.


Microsoft Dynamics NAV Numeric function.

This is a default function given in CAL that raises a number to a power.

Ex:   NewNumber  :=  POWER(Base,Power);

      POWER(2,8)  => 256
      POWER(100,0) => 1


Rounds the value of Numeric Variables.

Ex:    NewNumber :=  ROUND(Number,[..Precision],[..Direction])

DecimalToRound := 1234.56789;
Precision := 0.001;
Direction := '>';

Result := ROUND( DecimalToRound,Precision ,Direction ) ;

MESSAGE(ROUND(%1 ,%2 ,%3 ) returns %4 ,DecimalToRound,Precision,Direction,Result );

The message will shown like this.

"ROUND(1,234.56789, 0.001, >) returns 1,234.568"

The following table will show some additional ROUND examples.

Rounded number

 When you round down ('<') a negative number, the following occurs: -1234.56789 is rounded down to -1234.567. However, -1234.567 is a mathematically greater value than -1234.56789.

      When you round up ('>') a negative number, the following occurs: -1234.56789 is rounded up to -1234.568. However, -1234.568 is a mathematically smaller value than -1234.56789.

ABS Function (NUMBER)

Calculate the absolute value of a number  (Decimal, Integer or Bigint) . This function also returns of
positive and zero values only.

Ex:   NewNumber := ABS(Number);

x := -10.32;
y := ABS(x);

MESSAGE('x is  %1  y is  %2');

The message will show "x is -10.32 y is 10.32".


Evaluates a string representation of a value into its normal representation. The result  is  assign to a variable.

Ex :  [..ok] := EVALUATE(Variable,String[,Number]);

Text000     'VarInteger = #1###### , and the return code is %2\'

Text001     'VarDate = #3###### , and the return code is %4\'

Text002     'VarYesNo = #5###### , and the return code is %6\'

Value :=  '010196';

Ok1 :=  EVALUATE (VarInteger,Value);

Ok2 :=  EVALUATE (VarDate,Value);

Ok1 :=  EVALUATE (VarYesNo,Value);

MESSAGE (Text000 + Text001 + Text002 , VarInteger, Ok1, VarDate, Ok2 , VarYesNo, Ok3);

The message will show you.
VarInteger = 10196 , and the return code is: Yes
VarDate = 01/01/96, and the return code is: Yes
VarYesNo = No , and the return code is: No  "

Thank you.
